
Faculty Leader (inc. Drama)
Mrs L Skinner

The foundation of Drama at Notre Dame is built on an environment where caring, tolerance, listening and respect for each other are inherent elements.  This creates a committed, respectful and safe learning environment that does not threaten or expose, but challenges and enlightens. Young people are valued as individuals whose creative responses to the world around them, based on what they know and understand, will form the basis of the work.

Drama provides the opportunity for students to be immersed in creative, interactive activity.  It offers the perfect backdrop to develop and nurture students’ oracy skills, collaborative ability, confidence and self-esteem.


In Drama we aim to help each student to:

  • Gain an understanding of themselves, other people and the world around them

  • Develop respect for themselves and others

  • Develop an understanding of issue-based drama and theatre skills

  • Think autonomously

  • Understand and practise individual learning styles

  • Develop social skills

  • Develop literacy and oracy skills

  • Develop self-confidence and esteem

  • Reflect and evaluate on the drama in order to deepen learning

  • Develop skills required for examination courses at GCSE/A Level

  • Develop an appreciation of Drama as an art form.

Key Stage 3

In Years 7-9, students study for one hour per week, in mixed ability groups. The curriculum introduces students to the explorative strategies of Drama, which are the building blocks to creating role-play.  Students are assessed on the three main criteria that is filtered down from GCSE Drama.  The three strands of assessment are: Creating, Performing and Responding.

Students work alone and in groups to develop skills that support their understanding of how to perform in various theatrical styles; they collaborate to create theatre that reflects their collective understanding of form and structure; and they evaluate their own work and the work of others through targeted feedback.


Key Stage 4

Our GCSE curriculum begins in Year 10, with final performances and examinations taken in Year 11.  The GCSE course expectations include students accessing live theatre via organised trips, group collaboration and independent learning.  The course is 40% practical and 60% theory, culminating in two performance exams, a written creative log and one written paper.  We currently use the Eduqas GCSE Drama specification. Please see the link for further details: https://www.eduqas.co.uk/qualifications/drama-and-theatre/gcse/


Key Stage 5

In Years 12 and 13 we offer the Eduqas A Level Drama and Theatre specification, which has expectations and weighting that are very similar to those at GCSE level.  At A Level, we do expect much more detailed personal and independent learning; but group work and collaborative learning are also crucial to success.

We are very proud of our history as a Drama department in consistently achieving some of the highest exam results in the city of Plymouth.