Health & Social Care

Subject Leader – Social Sciences
Miss D Hart – [email protected]
Health and Social Care
The aims of the Health & Social Care course are to allow all students to reach their full potential in the following ways:
  • To maintain and stimulate student curiosity, interest and enjoyment in Health & Social Care
  • To employ teaching and learning styles and develop resources that allow all pupils (irrespective of their gender, ethnic origin, academic ability.) to have equal access to Health & Social Care and to experience success and enjoyment in their work
  • To enable students to become independent learners and thrive within the group environment
  • To enable students to be able to work as part of a team but still retain their own individual identity
  • To develop an awareness in students of the implications of Health & Social Care for the individual, the community and the environment, and to understand the nature and significance of individual and social differences in their own and other cultures
  • To enable students to acquire, select and handle information, to analyse critically it’s nature and source, and to use this information to develop informed opinions which can be supported by reasonable argument


Key Stage 4


The course is made up of three components: two internally assessed and one that’s externally assessed. Our three-block structure; explore, develop and apply has been developed to allow students to build on and embed their knowledge. This allows them to grow in confidence and then put into practice what they have learned. Our assessment structure is also designed so that students can build on what they learn, and develop their assignment skills, as they move through the course.

Component 1 Human Lifespan Development:

Aim: Understand how we grow and develop throughout our lives

Assessment: Internally assessed assignments

Weighting: 30% of total course

During Component 1, students will:
  • explore how individuals develop physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually over time
  • investigate how various factors, events and choices impact individuals’ growth and development
  • discover how people adapt to life events and cope with making changes.
Component 2 Health and Social Care Services and Values

Aim: Get to know how the Health and Social Care sector works and the care values that lie at the core of it

Assessment: Internally assessed assignments

Weighting: 30% of total course

During Component 2, students will:
  • learn which health and social care services are available
  • identify why people might need to use these services
  • discover who’s involved in providing these services
  • explore what might stop people from accessing the services they need
  • look at the care values the sector has to make sure people get the care and protection they need.
Component 3 Health and Wellbeing

Aim: Help improve someone’s health and wellbeing

Assessment: Externally assessed task, in which students create a health and wellbeing improvement plan for an individual, based on a brief

Weighting: 40% of total course

To achieve this aim, students will:
  • learn what ‘being healthy’ means to different people
  • explore the different factors that might influence health and wellbeing
  • identify key health indicators and how to interpret them
  • assess an individual’s health using what they’ve learned
  • create a health and wellbeing improvement plan for that person, which includes targets and recommendations of support services available
  • reflect on the potential challenges the person may face when putting the plan into action.
Key Stage 5
BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate

During the course students will have the opportunity to arrange different work placements. These will help students realise and extend their theory knowledge and help them gain experience and broaden their viewpoint in the operation of health and social care services. There will also be the opportunity to attend health related study days as they become available. This course will appeal to students who plan to follow any career pathway in professional health and social care. It could also assist any student who wishes to improve their portfolio building and research skills ready for university.

Year 12

Unit 1: Human Lifespan Development (exam)
  • Attitudes and prejudices
  • Rights and responsibilities of people who use services and providers
  • Facilitation of access to services
  • Values of care
  • How organisations promote quality care
Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs (course work)
  • Principles of health and well-being
  • Preventative measures and job roles
  • Planning a health promotion campaign
  • Carry out a health promotion campaign
Year 13

Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care (exam)
  • Types of communication
  • Factors that support and inhibit communication
  • Communication skills
  • Theories relating to communication
  • Interaction with the person who uses services(s)/practitioner(s)
Unit 14: Psychological Perspectives
  • Examine how psychological perspectives contribute to the understanding of human development and behaviour
  • Examine the contribution of psychological perspectives to the management and treatment of service users’ specific behaviours
  • Examine how psychological perspectives are applied in health and social care setting
Grading for units and qualifications

Learners achieving a qualification will have achieved across mandatory units, including external and synoptic assessment. Units are assessed using a grading scale of Distinction (D), Merit (M), Pass (P), Near Pass (N) and Unclassified (U). All mandatory and optional units contribute proportionately to the overall qualification grade.

UCAS Tariff points:

The BTEC Nationals Level 3 attracts UCAS points. Please visit the UCAS website for full details of the points allocated.