
There are five Houses at Notre Dame Plymouth. All students, staff and governors belong to a House. The Houses are the way we organise the daily life of the school such as tutor groups, sports events and fundraising. Each House is named after a famous and inspirational woman and is identified by a colour.

The Houses are:

Curie – named after the Nobel Prize-winning scientist Marie Curie. The Curie House colour is Blue.
Hepburn – named after the actress Audrey Hepburn who used her fame to support fundraising for Unicef. The Hepburn House colour is Red.
Nightingale – named after nurse Florence Nightingale, known as the creator of modern nursing care. The Nightingale House colour is Green.
Parks – named after Rosa Parks who fought for civil rights in America. The Parks House colour is Yellow.
Stang – named after Dorothy Stang, a Notre Dame Sister, who was killed fighting for environmental rights in the Amazon. The Stang House colour is Orange.
Each House is made up of 6 tutor groups with students from Year 7 up to Sixth Form. Each House is led by a Head of House, Senior House Captains from the Sixth Form, and House and Deputy House Captains from each tutor group.

Towards the end of their first year, all our year 7 students enjoy a 3 day House residential retreat to Buckfast Abbey. Here they have an opportunity to pray for each other and the ND community, to reflect on their first year, and to bond more as a House group.

The Senior Student Team
The Senior Student Team consist of three NDSixth students who are elected by Sixth Form & Staff. The SST represents the overall leadership of students in the school. They are supported by Senior House Captains who are elected by each House and work together to provide a voice for students and lead whole school events such as Open Days and Awards Evening.