Entry Requirements:
5 GCSEs at grade 5 or above, gained a ‘6’ grade or above at GCSE art and design, or can demonstrate a strong commitment to the arts in a creative way and have achieved a ‘5’ grade in GCSE English.
You can:
Apply to enrol on the A Level photography course. This course is a two-year course which encourages students to acquire an increasing understanding of skills and techniques. This is an endorsed subject which may be studied alongside A Level Art & Design or to balance out creatively other academic subjects.
This will mean:
You will have the opportunity to develop skills relating to the use of DSLR cameras as well as traditional darkroom processes. Build a personal portfolio, and develop successful Final outcomes, which will be exhibited at the end of the course. You could also have the opportunity to work alongside a professional photographer and develop an understanding of how photographs and photography work in the real world. You will build up an extensive knowledge relating to both contemporary and more established Photographers and Artists.
This course will appeal to any student who:
Enjoyed experiences of GCSE Art and Design and who may be considering a future pathway involving the arts or someone who enjoys creating images using traditional or digital methods in a creative way.
You will:
Work in photography - lens and light based media to form a means of personal enquiry and expression involving the selection and manipulation of images. A creative way of thinking is a must.
Course Modules are:
A portfolio which allows students opportunities to generate practical work, ideas and research from primary and contextual sources. Also, experimenting with media and processes to develop and refine ideas prior to presenting a final outcome/s. With a personal study essay in the final year.
A controlled assignment where candidates submit supporting studies and practical outcomes in response to a given theme leading to a 15 hour controlled test at the end of the A level course which allows candidates to realise their intentions.
With this subject you could:
Continue to develop your art education in order to enter Higher education and study at degree level. This is an exciting time to work in the Arts, there are all sorts of exciting creative opportunities coming out in response to our current times.
For more information contact:
Miss R Glover [email protected] (Head of Art & Photography)